
The Most Beneficial Spanish Study course On The Market

Since many of my readers have asked me to do a review comparing Fluenz Version F2 Spanish with Rosetta Stone Spanish, I am finally going to compare the two. Both are software products. But to answer the question which is the best course really depends on your needs.

Fluenz Spanish is based on the premise that the ideal manner for an adult to learn a cheap rosetta stone foreign language Spanish is with plenty of explanations in English. As an Spanish instructor, I would have to say that really depends on what type of "Spanish" you are talking about.

Without a doubt, if you are talking about Spanish grammar, I would have to agree that the best way to learn is by being exposed to lots of explanations and examples that highlight the similarities and the differences between the two languages. For this reason, I would have to say that Fluenz may be the best course for an adult who wants to develop a solid grasp of grammar in the target language.

So if you are in fact an adult who wants to rosetta stone french master grammar, then Fluenz Version F2 Spanish may be a better choice than Rosetta Stone. But you have to ask yourself, is mastery of grammar your true foreign language goal?

By the way, if you are buying a foreign language course for a child, Rosetta Stone is clearly the best one. Besides Visual Link Spanish, Rosetta Stone is the best course that I have found to teach a child this romance language. Besides, Fluenz was specifically designed to teach adults foreign languages.

In addition to being one of the best courses for helping an adult student comprehend grammar, I would also say that Rosetta Stone Spanish Fluenz is among the best for teaching "tourist Spanish." Again, you will have to ask yourself does mastering the language like a tourist fit your needs and goals.

If your desire is to communicate with a native speaker such as someone who you are dating, your significant other, your in-laws or close friends, your neighbors or co-workers then speaking like a tourist probably should not be your goal. In that case you would probably want to focus on a course that teaches every day, authentic, conversational, Latin American Spanish. Based on my personal review as well as comments Rosetta Stone Latin from readers of my newsletter, Learning Spanish Like Crazy seems to be the best course for that purpose or for learning what I call "familiar" Spanish.

With Fluenz you will definitely increase your confidence to communicate in the language as a tourist. You will know how to deal with the most common situations that you will come across, such as asking and giving directions and common situations involving restaurants, hotels, airports, stores, subways, and taxis.

So to answer the question which is better Fluenz Spanish vs. Rosetta Stone Spanish, that really depends on your needs and goals.

My favorite software for learning Spanish is actually not a stand-alone course but a learning aid used to supplement your course of choice. It is called the Verbarrtor. Although I hate the name of the product, I have recommended the Verbarrator software to my personal students as well as the subscribers to my newsletter.

The Verbarrator teaches how to conjugate Spanish verbs in a way that makes learning how to conjugate verbs the most fun part of learning the language. And that used to be the biggest gripe for English speakers learning Spanish. My students used to always http://dhtd851.blogspot.com  complain that learning the different verb tenses was the most boring part of learning any romance language. But with the Verbarrator many students are finding out that learning Spanish verbs can be the most enjoyable part of learning the Spanish language. It is the one tool that I would recommend as a must-have tool for anyone who is serious about achieving fluency in Spanish.

